Sunburst: The Rise of the Japanese Naval Air Power, 1909-1941

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Sunburst: The Rise of the Japanese Naval Air Power, 1909-1941


Mark R. Peattie


Naval Institute Press







Mark R. Peattie

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More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews)
Language: English
Named Corp: Japan. Kaigun -- Aviation -- History -- 20th century.
Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. [343]-353) and index.
Class Descriptors: LC: VG95.J3; Dewey: 359.9/4/095209041
Responsibility: Mark R. Peattie.
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Vendor Info: Baker & Taylor Baker and Taylor YBP Library Services (BKTY BTCP YANK) 39.95 Status: active
Entry: 20010208
Update: 20080323
Provider: OCLC
3: Generic Organization of Japanese Naval Aviation 223(2) Appendix 4: Naval Aviation Vessels 225(28) Appendix 5: Naval Air Bases and Land-Based Air Groups 253(11) Appendix 6: Principal Naval
Aircraft 264(38) Appendix 7: Naval Aircraft Designation Systems 302(4) Appendix 8: Principal Naval Aircraft Engines 306(3) Appendix 9: The Hineri-komi (``Turning-in'') Maneuver 309(4) Notes 313(30) Bibliography 343(12) Index 355 ( ) Add/View Comments ** Summary ** Serving as a sequel to Kaigun, the prize-winning study of the surface and sub-surface forces of the Imperial Japanese Navy, this work illuminates the rise of Japanese naval aviation from its genesis in 1909 to its thunderbolt capability on the eve of the Pacific War. It provides the most detailed account yet available in English of Japan's naval air campaign over China from 1937 to 1941 and concludes with a revealing chapter on the utter destruction of Japanese naval air power by 1944, in the process explaining its essential strengths and weaknesses. Author Mark Peattie traces the development of the Navy's land-based air power as well as the evolution of its carrier forces. He also treats all the salient aspects of the naval air service: training, personnel, tactics, doctrine, technology, and industrial base. In doing so, he combines data found in previous handbooks with important new information derived from Japanese language sources. The book's appendixes include biographic summaries of important personnel mentioned in the text, detailed drawings and data on Japanese carriers and naval aircraft, and information on Japanese naval air bases and land-based air groups as of 7 December 1941. Excerpt SUNBURST The Rise of Japanese Naval Air Power 1909-1941 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Mark R. Peattie Naval Institute Press Copyright (c) 2001 Mark R. Peattie. All rights reserved.

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OCLC WorldCat FirstSearch

Num Pages



Annapolis, Md.


Naval Institute Press

Short Title



Sunburst: The Rise of the Japanese Naval Air Power, 1909-1941




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