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Report submitted by New South Associates to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District.

TLuciano CSS GA LP.pdf
In this lesson plan students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the CSS Georgia by creating three products that are either visual, kinesthetic, and or auditory from the choice board menu provided.

Three STEM based lesson plans for CSS Georgia curriculum.

CSS Georgia - Preserving History.mp4

CSS Georgia - Raising History.mp4

Paper presented at the 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference held in Washington, D.C.

CSS Georgia Choice Board.pdf
CSS Georgia Lesson Plan

CSS Georgia Choice Board for Gifted and Talented  Students.pdf

CSS Georgia - K. Whitney.pdf

newspaper 2 montage.pdf
Newspaper articles on the CSS Georgia spanning the years 1865 to 2012. Images pulled from USACE & DVIDS public domain & used in display in CSS Georgia 'Raise the Wreck!' Festival

CSS Georgia Presentation Final for June 2 2015.pdf

CSS GA rackcard front.pdf
Educational rack cards front and back.

S T E M LessonPlan - Z. Smiley.pdf
CSS Georgia STEM Lesson Plan

Historic photo of SS Yongala.


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